Not All Children’s Books Are Created Equal: How to Spot the Gems
When it comes to reading, isn’t every book a good book? After all, as long as children are reading, that’s what counts…right? Well, not entirely. Research and educational guidance tell us that high-quality literature is essential for young readers’ development. According to the latest Ofsted guidance, introducing children to quality books is a powerful way to build a broad, rich vocabulary. Similarly, The Centre for Literacy in Children’s Education (CLPE) emphasises that quality children's books are key to nurturing motivated, independent readers. In short, when children love what they read, they read more—and when they read more, they naturally become better readers.
With countless children’s books available, the choice can feel overwhelming. Publishers and large bookstore chains have their own agendas and bottom lines, often leading to an abundance of republished classics and limited perspectives on show. If you’re lucky enough to live near a specialist children’s bookshop, you may find passionate and knowledgeable staff, ready to guide you. But many of us don’t have that luxury—or the time to browse.
So what makes a book high quality?
As a former teacher, I am still amazed at some of the outdated and uninspired books marketed towards young readers. While some of these books may have a place in the literary canon, they don’t always reflect the diverse world children live in today or provide the rich language experiences young minds need or are capable of engaging with. This is why, at StoryBox, we’re committed to selecting books that go beyond mere entertainment. We choose stories that encourage curiosity, celebrate diversity, and spark a love of language—books that feel as relevant and engaging for today’s children as they do for the adults who share them.
We passionately believe that books make the best gifts, so we set up StoryBox with the aim of helping gift-givers discover a wider range of high-quality titles. Every book included in a StoryBox is deeply researched and chosen according to criteria that we hold to the highest standard, inspired by the research conducted by CLPE on what makes a quality children’s book. We believe in children’s books that:
- captivate and engage both children and adults
- demand to be read aloud, reread and revisited
- allow children to connect with personal experiences
- broaden children's understanding of the world
- experiment with storytelling conventions
- feature high-quality artwork that extends the storytelling
- expose readers to varied language structures and enrich their vocabulary
- portray a diverse range of characters and experiences that reflect modern society
Explore the high-quality books in our StoryBoxes to see how each StoryBox reflects our commitment to these principles, ensuring that the books we select are ones children will love and remember.
Happy reading!